Delivery Time is a Reliable Stocking Distributor of Electronic Parts. We specialize in all Honeywell Sensing and Productivity Solutions series electronic components. We have 6034 pieces of Honeywell Sensing and Productivity Solutions PX3AM1BS016BSAAX in stock available now. Request a quote from electronics components distributor at, our sales team will contact you within 24 hours.
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Product Attribute
Attribute Value
Voltage - Supply
4.75V ~ 5.25V
Termination Style
Supplier Device Package
Pressure Type
Sealed Gauge
Port Style
Port Size
Male - M12 x 1.5
Package / Case
Cylinder, Threaded - M12
Product Attribute
Attribute Value
Output Type
Analog Voltage
0.5 V ~ 4.5 V
Operating Temperature
-40°C ~ 125°C
Operating Pressure
232.06PSI (1600kPa)
Maximum Pressure
464.12PSI (3200kPa)
Temperature Compensated
Base Product Number
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