Delivery Time is a Reliable Stocking Distributor of Electronic Parts. We specialize in all Analog Devices Inc./Maxim Integrated series electronic components. We have 6644 pieces of Analog Devices Inc./Maxim Integrated MAX1819EVKIT in stock available now. Request a quote from electronics components distributor at, our sales team will contact you within 24 hours.
RFQ Email:
Product Attribute
Attribute Value
Voltage - Output
1.5V, 1.8V, 2V, 2.5V, 3.3V or 5V
Voltage - Input
2.5V ~ 5.5V
Utilized IC / Part
Supplied Contents
Regulator Type
Positive Adjustable
Product Attribute
Attribute Value
Current - Output
Channels per IC
1 - Single
Board Type
Fully Populated
Base Product Number
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